Are You A Good Candidate For Vision Correction? | Advanced Eye Care S.C.
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Are You A Good Candidate For Vision Correction?

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Do you find yourself annoyed with your contacts or glasses? Have you caught yourself daydreaming about life without needing either?

After a while, glasses or contacts can be inconvenient and annoying. Want to find out more about vision correction procedures?

The first thing you should do is talk to your eye doctor. They will help you figure out if you are a good candidate.

During your consultation, your doctor will help you determine if you qualify for a vision correction procedure. Vision corrective procedures are not considered medically necessary.

It is important to figure out if the final results outweigh the potential risks. It’s best to learn about the ideal procedure to fix your vision.

When making a decision, you need to think about the suggestion your surgeon makes. Your doctor needs to think that you meet the qualifications for a vision correction procedure.

For example, around 15%-20% of prospective LASIK candidates do not qualify for the procedure. Surgeons have guidelines they need to follow to determine if someone is a good candidate for vision correction.

Keep reading to find out if you may be a good candidate for a vision correction procedure!

Meet the FDA Treatment Guidelines

For different vision correction procedures, the FDA has guidelines for patients that qualify. To get LASIK, your prescription must meet the FDA treatment guidelines.

Your prescription can have at most +6.00 diopters of hyperopia and astigmatism and at most -12.00 diopters of nearsightedness. If you do not meet these guidelines, you may want to consider another vision correction procedure.

Good Health

No matter what vision correction procedure you want to get, you must be in good health. If you have a medical condition or take certain medications, a vision correction procedure may not be right for you.

This can complicate the recovery process after having a vision correction procedure. While meeting with your doctor, tell them your full medical history.

You also need to disclose your family history for medical conditions as well. This allows them to make the best decision for you and your health.

Eye Health and Stable Prescription

For LASIK and PRK, the FDA has approved the procedures for candidates that are 18 and up. Although you can get LASIK and PRK at 18, most surgeons recommend patients wait.

Waiting until your mid-twenties ensures your vision is stable and will not change. Also, you need to have an unchanged prescription for at least six months to two consecutive years.

Healthy Eyes

You need to have healthy eyes to qualify for vision correction surgery. This means that they are free of diseases, infections, and injuries. If you have a condition like dry eye syndrome, it must be under control before a vision correction procedure.

Having healthy eyes is important for a safe and complication-free recovery process.

Cornea Shape and Health

Most vision corrective procedures are tied to the shape and health of your cornea. For example, LASIK works by modifying the shape of your cornea to improve your vision.

The cornea is important because it helps your eyes focus light and create an image on your retina. If the cornea is the wrong shape or abnormally thin, then LASIK might not be a good option.

In these cases, your doctor might suggest PRK. During your initial consultation, your doctor will look at the thickness and shape of your cornea. They measure these traits to make sure you are getting the right procedure.

Are you ready to schedule a consultation for a vision correction procedure? Schedule yours at Advanced Eye Care, SC in New Lenox, IL to find out more!